greetings from adelaide!
typing this script while enjoying the sun. life's good :)
new city,new people,new memories but the same old me.YES the SAME old me.
its been more than two months here and worst case, my very first birthday away from home.
felt a little empty :(
owh well life has to go on but i had heaps of fun.picture's below.
despite being away from home, i have WONDERFUL people around me and yes they make me whole lot SIBLINGS from another mother,always there when I need someone ;)
been exploring this town much, from the city all the way to the suburbs and yes surprisingly there's HINDU temple here in adelaide but again nothing beats MALAYSIA's temples.
i guess parents missing me calls almost everyday,just to ensure that im alright. owh well i miss my parents as well. try leaving in a city so far away from parental love and you will feel exactly what im going through. trust me,its ain't easy..
two weeks of break, im off to melb next week.
i need some good home cooked food and i need to learn how to cook as well.aunty's gonna gimme a crash course, hope that helps.
will update soon.
Sunset at Hallet Cove
me birthday cake.
happy birthday to me !
mai's open house
p/s i had a dream and its not a good one.i just hope this one dream never come true.i miss my canbie buddie.yes,you ATTITUDE! when i see her next,imma go hug her like there;s no tommorow :)
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